Our policy is to see pets for medication health checks at least every 6 months as the pet legally needs to be ‘under our care.’ For prescription anti-parasite treatments eg., wormers, this is 12 months.
It is important to note that your pet’s condition may change over time, so intervals between prescription checks vary depending on individual circumstances.
A common misconception is that a written prescription will last for 6 months, however we can only supply a prescription for the time until your pet is deemed to require the next prescription check-up. For some this may be a few weeks or a month depending upon when they were last seen, or the speed we expect the condition to change. The vet will determine how long or how many times you can use a repeat prescription. For example, if we have seen your pet in January we may offer repeat medications until June before we will have to examine your pet. If you request more medication in May, we would only be able to do a prescription or dispense 1 more month of product.