
Pre – operative information for Dentistry (including extractions)

Before the procedure, we would ask that you read this document carefully to give you (the owner) the information required for the elected procedure. Every surgical procedure that is undertaken carries accepted associated risks and complications. Although rare, we want you to be fully informed before you proceed.

Benefits to your animal include:

  1. Dental cleaning (scale and polish) to remove dental plaque and tartar
  2. Examination of dental disease which occurs below the gumline (periodontal probing)
  3. Extractions if required

Please read the following list of complications that can result from this procedure and ask a member of staff if you have any questions or concerns. This list is not exhaustive. Should a complication arise, owners are liable for the costs associated with the complication.

  1. Haemorrhage (bleeding) both during and after the procedure
  2. Would break down partial or complete if it is necessary to suture the gum
  3. Infection
  4. Incomplete removal of a root(s) or fragments of roots (we are not currently able to offer dental radiography).
  5. Damage to other structures such as the eye or tongue
  6. Local anaesthetic nerve blocks may be used which can cause nerve and blood vessel damage
  7. Damaging adult teeth when removing deciduous teeth
  8. Fracture to the jaw bones, especially in cats and small breed dogs
  9. Risk of injury on recovery post-operatively
  10. Anaesthetic complication including death

We take great precautions to minimise these risk to your pet.


The vet or nurse has recommended that your pet has a dental procedure.  This will be split into two Stages. 


This will cost £350 and includes a general anaesthetic, full examination of the mouth and teeth, scaling (cleaning) the teeth, a set of 6 dental x-rays, pain relief and post operation checks if needed.  This will clean the mouth and allow any problems with the teeth or their roots to be identified.  For some pets, this is all that may be needed.  However, in many cases, significant problems will be identified.  The vet or nurse will discuss any problems that are found and advise what further work is needed and give you an accurate estimate for Stage 2 when you pick up your pet after the first Stage.   

If any further work is needed, this will be booked in 2-5 weeks for the Stage 2 dental.  This will involve a general anaesthetic and all the problems identified at stage 1 dealt with. 

There will be the odd case when we are performing a Stage 1 dental, where we do remove teeth (these could be wobbly incisors or a tooth root abscess).  This will only be the case if these are the only problem teeth and so a full Stage 2 dental is not warranted. 


This will include a general anaesthetic, repeating dental x-rays if needed, any extractions needed, pain relief and post op checks. 

Having done Stage 1 and identified any teeth that need to be extracted, we will be able to give you a more accurate estimate of work needed and costs. 

The initial cost will be £210 plus the extraction charge:

- Extractions band A = 15 mins extraction time £100 

- Extractions band B = 15-30 mins extraction time £200 

- Extractions band C = 30-45 mins extraction time £300 

- Extractions band D = 45+ minutes extraction time £400 


If you are a member of our ‘Healthy Pet Club’, you will get a 10% discount off both stages of the dental. 


  • Dental disease is always painful. Pets do not often show obvious signs of pain. Clients often comment after a dental procedure, how much happier their pet is.


    Pets have a strong survival instinct, so dental disease has to be really bad before pets stop eating.


    If dental disease is treated early, pets are less likely to need teeth extracting. 


    Dental disease can lead to more serious health conditions, such as heart, lung, liver and kidney disease if left untreated.

  • It is safer for your pet to have 2 short anaesthetics than 1 very long anaesthetic. The Stage 1 dentals (examination, scaling and x-rays) can take 60-90 minutes. 


    It allows for proper surgical planning of any extractions required and you will be fully informed of the procedure your pet is going to have.  We can give you a more accurate estimate of costs and it gives you the opportunity to fully discuss the proposed treatment with the vet or nurse. 


    Performing the Stage 2 dental on a separate day, enables it to be performed in a cleaner environment rather than immediately after a descale.

  • No, we have structured the fees so the price paid would be similar to if it was charged as one long procedure. 


    The staging process enables us to give you an accurate estimate for all the work that is required. 

  • Two shorter anaesthetics are safer than one long anaesthetic. 


    We plan all our anaesthetics carefully for each patient and trained professionals monitor your pet carefully throughout each procedure.

  • A second procedure is needed because the mouth examination and x-rays have revealed significant problems with the teeth or their roots. 


    Without appropriate action, the disease process will continue and on-going dental disease and pain will persist. 


    Dental disease is painful and without a Stage 2 dental, your pet will continue to live with dental pain and disease.

  • Once the Stage 2 procedure is complete and the dental disease is under control, then home care needs to start. 


    Daily toothbrushing with pet toothpaste is the best way to maintain good dental health – our nurses can show you how to do this if you are unsure. 


    A nurse will see your pet 3-4 weeks after Stage 2 procedure is complete to monitor your pet’s oral health.

  • We will only remove the diseased teeth that are present at the time of the dental.  We will not extract any healthy teeth. 

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Practice information

Highfield Veterinary Centre

  • Mon
    8:30am - 7:00pm
  • Tue
    8:30am - 7:00pm
  • Wed
    8:30am - 7:00pm
  • Thu
    8:30am - 7:00pm
  • Fri
    8:30am - 7:00pm
  • Sat
    8:30am - 3:30pm
  • Sun

Find us here:

145-147 London Road Sheffield S2 4LH
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